Chapter 1329 Meeting (Teaser)


“The Slaughterers are indeed difficult foes. However, that is not the main issue here. At present, the Slaughterers are not our Celestial Longevity Plane’s only foe. Our true foe is the Immortal Plane. Of course, before the Immortal Plane launches a large-scale attack, we need to unite everyone,” said one of the Divine Princes from the imperial family. 

“Humph! The way I see it, you don’t know what’s going on,” Divine Prince Heavensfire said with a scoff. 

“Oh? What do you have to say, Heavensfire?” The Divine Prince did not become furious.

“Very well. I’ll talk about what we encountered after leaving the Celestial Longevity Plane.” Divine Prince Heavensfire looked at the others. After receiving an affirmation from them, he gave a brief account of what happened, starting from their arrival at the 8th stronghold. 

Those were all the things that Divine Prince Heavensfire and the others had experienced. However, those who came later did not know about that. After hearing what Divine Prince Heavensfire said, looks of surprise appeared on their faces. 

“In other words, the severity of this matter is even greater than what we had imagined. If it weren’t for Longevity Celestial, who brought a force over, wouldn’t the Boundless Corps simply cease to exist?” Divine Prince Ocean...

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