Chapter 328 - Five Deadly Fists (Teaser)

It was a tense situation.

Both Xiaolang and the Third Commander were fighting intensely, and Long Chen still had to remain calm. He looked at the Second Commander calmly, but the anger was seething out of his heart.

The Second Commander guessed what Long Chen was thinking and told him, “You are right. I do have an advanced Earth-tier Body Tempering technique. To be honest, you are indeed a monstrous brat. My intuition has always been right, and I know that if I let the girl go, you have the power to fight me. I’ve always been careful, so I will now cripple you while I continue to hold her hostage. The Emperor told me to bring you back alive, but I can cripple you. You’ve killed many of my brothers, so I can’t let you go just like that.”

Long Chen stared at him, trying to come up with a plan.

The Second Commander looked at Ling Xi. “She’s...

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