Episode 211. The Forgotten Ones (3) (Teaser)

His control over the earth attribute, after refusing to hit its maximum level even following his mastery of the wind attribute, finally reached 100.

- Your attribute control has reached its maximum value, and the bond between you and your spirit has become stronger. Your spirit is now able to show more complex expressions and is better able to understand you.

It was a rare source of encouraging news for Seon-Hyeok after being stressed by the refugees.

He paid close attention to the continued messages as he subconsciously clenched his fists.

- Nudar, the highest-tier earth spirit, has evolved into an ancient earth spirit (Dwarf).

He had wondered whether Nudar, already a highest-tier earth spirit, could undergo any transformations, as the only higher beings he knew of were the Spirit Kings.

But contrary to his expectations, the highest-tier was not the ending point of a spirit’s growth.

- Even the powerful highest-tier spirits are unable to fully utilize their abilities in this world. This does not apply to ancient spirits.

- Ancient spirits are not significantly...

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