Book 19, Chapter 45 - Great Fortune! Great Fortune! (Teaser)

The green-haired man’s eyes were like those of a starving hawk’s as he glared at Ji Ning. He said hoarsely, “If I submit to you…what do you wish of me?”

Ning laughed. Clearly, the man was considering submitting. However, he was also a True God; if Ning went too far in humiliating him, he’d probably rather die than submit. Ning explained, “I need the treasures that you have on you. Here in this prison, your treasures are of no use to you anyhow. You might as well give them to me. Also – I need to search your memories…”

“Memories?” The green-haired man’s face changed.

“To you, I’m an alien. To me, you are an alien.” Ning smiled. “Your personal secrets might be very important to you, but they are completely meaningless to me. Don’t worry; I won’t tell anyone about them.”

The green-haired man stared at Ning.

“I guarantee,” Ning said, “That these two requests are all I want! If you accept, you continue living a peaceful life here. In addition, I’ll provide you with spirit-pills to ensure that you’ll be able to continue to survive. If you stay alive, you’ll have a chance to leave the prisonworld in the future.”

“Fine!” The green-haired man said hoarsely, “I accept.”

Ning was pleasantly surprised by how forthright the man was in accepting.

The green-haired man shut his eyes, continuing to sit there within the formation. Ning reached out with his right hand from outside the formation, his arm instantly expanding...

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