Chapter 798 (Teaser)

“Why this, though…?”

Siegfried tilted his head in confusion, puzzled by the sudden appearance of the Shit-Stained Parchment.

Does this have something to do with the telescope?’ he wondered.

He placed the Shit-Stained Parchment on the desk and turned his attention to the Worn Telescope of Tourbillon. The telescope looked nothing special. It was just a battered old spyglass with no discernible function.

However, Siegfried’s curiosity had already been piqued, so he held the telescope up and angled it toward the Shit-Stained Parchment.

Unfortunately, nothing happened, and all he could see was the dirty parchment marred with stains. No significant change could be seen between the two items that not only looked utterly useless but seemed totally unrelated to each other.

What’s the connection between these two?’ he wondered and inspected the telescope.

Then, something caught his eye.


He felt the surface of the telescope with his fingertips and noticed a faint seam.

Click… Clack!

The telescope came apart, revealing a tightly rolled piece of paper tucked inside. He pulled the paper out without much expectation, and...

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