Book 19, Metamorphosis – Chapter 41, High Spirits (Teaser)

Book 19, Metamorphosis – Chapter 41, High Spirits

The cold wind howled, stabbing like knives as it swept across the vast, desolate earth. Sand and pebbles flew about wildly, and two blurry forms continued to advance.

Not too far away from them, up ahead, there was a large, twin-peaked mountain. The mountain was thousands of meters high, and the peak of the mountain was split, all the way from the top to the halfway point. From a distance, it looked just like the horns of a ram. In the maps of the Planar Battlefield, this mountain, the ‘Ramhorn Mountain’, was something of a landmark.

“Here we are!” Linley, dressed in a deep green robe, glanced about, his eyes flashing like lightning as he stared at every ‘suspicious’ looking part of Ramhorn Mountain.

“It seems there’s no cave here.” Bebe mumbled.

“Even if Reisgem is here, how could he allow others to tell just by looking? Let’s do a good investigation of the entire Ramhorn Mountain.” After speaking, Linley and Bebe transformed into two blurs, flying at high speed towards Ramhorn Mountain.

With Reihom present, even the most desolate of mountains could be transformed into a luxurious cave estate.

Within that estate inside Ramhorn Mountain, there was a large estate hall that seemed to have been formed by nature. Reihom, that big fellow, was currently seated in the meditative position in the corner of the hall, quietly...

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