Chapter 26: The Dusk of a Person’s Life

In the east of South Phoenix, it was already summer. Rainfall increased, and temperatures rose.

It was late in the morning and class was over. As Xu Qing walked out of Grandmaster Bai’s tent, he looked up at the deep blue sky, squinted at the sun, and murmured, “It’s the fifth month.”

It was hard to believe, but he had been in the scavenger basecamp for two months already. When he thought back to the blood rain and the city ruins, and everything he’d experienced there, it seemed like such a long time ago. Yet the memories were clear in his mind. He was very different compared to two months ago in the slums. He had a cultivation base that continued to grow stronger, his knowledge of plants and vegetation grew, and all-in-all, Xu Qing felt like he was growing up. Thanks to Sergeant Thunder’s amazing meals, which included a lot of meat, his previously scrawny frame was starting to fill out.

And thanks to his cultivation of the Sea and Mountain Incantation, his masculine blood pumped more vigorously than ever. Without any effort, he exuded a powerful aura that would seem penetrating to anyone in his presence. Perhaps thanks to how he’d been practicing the saber strike he’d witnessed in the temple complex, his eyes seemed to shine more brightly than the average person. And that effect only seemed to increase as he practiced the saber strike.

At the same time, his class attendance, and the knowledge he was picking up, made him seem like an academic.

Because of all that, Xu Qing had gotten into the habit of washing his hands. And though he still hadn’t washed his face free of grime, it wasn’t possible for the dirt to cover up his good looks. As a result, the ladies of the night in the feathered tents often batted their eyes at him and called out to him. He ignored them.

For days now, his mood remained glum. For one thing, he hadn’t found a single lifespan flower. Worse, Sergeant Thunder was getting visibly older and weaker.

Eventually, Xu Qing stopped going to the forbidden region as often. After listening to Grandmaster Bai’s lecture, he would go home to work on cultivation. Being able to sense  Sergeant Thunder in the next room helped him stabilize his mood.

He cherished dinner even more nowadays.

On one particular night that was no different from the others, he ignored the surrounding scavengers as he headed toward the general store after class.

The girl he knew there was busy at work, but when she saw him, she immediately ran behind the counter and came out with a jug of alcohol. She handed it to him. She had long since gotten used to him coming at this time to buy alcohol.

“Thank you,” he said quietly. He couldn’t help but glance at the scar on her face. Despite how vicious it looked, the girl was generally optimistic.

Smiling, she made small talk for a few minutes until a customer yelled at her to come help him.

Xu Qing hefted the jug and turned to leave. When the girl saw that, she quickly said a few things to her customer, then ran to the door.

“Big Bro Kid!” she called.

Xu Qing stopped walking and looked over his shoulder as she hurried to him. As she neared, she held out her hand, and he saw that in her palm was a piece of candy.

“I can tell you’ve felt down recently,” she said. “Whenever I’m sad, my momma would always give me some candy. I just had to eat it, and I’d feel better. This is my last piece of candy and… I want you to have it.” She seemed worried he might refuse, so she pushed the candy into his hand and ran back to the shop. At the door, she stopped, looked back, and said, “Feel better, Big Bro Kid!”

He stood there awkwardly for a moment as she ducked back inside, then looked down at the candy. A moment passed… and he carefully put the candy away.

On the way back, the camp seemed louder than normal, which was when he noticed two caravans entering one after the other.

The lead caravan had fancy carts and strong, muscular horses, surpassing the quality of any of the caravans Xu Qing had seen up to this point. Among the members of the caravan were a host of guards, plus four or five middle-aged men who radiated intense spirit power fluctuations.

However, they weren’t the most important people in the caravan.

As the carts proceeded, a group of young men and women appeared. Most looked to be sixteen or seventeen years old, and they strutted along in fancy clothing. All had fair skin, with the young men being handsome and refined, the young women elegant and beautiful.

These people clearly had extraordinary backgrounds. Disdaining the squalor and chaos of the basecamp, they had set up their tents outside. Their arrogant demeanor was plain for everyone to see.

Each member of the group had attendants, such that the group of only fifteen or so young ones had about a hundred people following them.

Behind them was a second caravan, and though it looked nice, it obviously wasn’t as impressive as the first. Because of the high status of the group of young men and women, the second caravan didn’t dare to overtake them. And thus, the members of the second caravan went their separate ways upon entering the camp, and kept a much lower profile.

Xu Qing merely glanced at them as he walked past.

Caravans came every few days, either to sell goods or to set up camp before entering the forbidden region. All kinds of people could be seen in such groups. That was just how life worked in the basecamp, and Xu Qing already took it as a matter of course.

Once back home, Xu Qing saw that Sergeant Thunder was in the courtyard doing some stretching. The sunlight shining down made the old man seem more than ever like he was in the twilight of his life. Xu Qing’s mood sank again.

Seeing the jug in Xu Qing’s hand, Sergeant Thunder smiled and said, “You bought liquor again? Excellent! You go straighten up the kitchen. I’m going for a walk to get some food for dinner.”

Hands clasped behind his back, he strolled out of the courtyard.

This was their arrangement. Sergeant Thunder had to be the one to buy the food. Of course, Xu Qing demanded to pay a bit more in rent to make up for the cost.

Sergeant Thunder came back a bit earlier than usual. Xu Qing had just finished preparing the kitchen when the old man walked in with a bag of meat. Grinning at Xu Qing, he set about preparing dinner.

Like usual, Xu Qing just sat off to the side and observed, hoping to learn a thing or two. As he watched, something seemed off….

Normally speaking, they ate dinner a lot later than this.

Realizing that, Xu Qing’s heart sank even further. However, he just watched Sergeant Thunder work. He thought about asking for details, but in the end, kept his mouth shut. Like usual, Sergeant Thunder cooked and talked at the same time.

It felt just like the chatter one would expect while preparing a family dinner. Even before the evening sun sank below the horizon, the food was finished. Putting it on the table, Sergeant Thunder looked at the glum Xu Qing and tousled his hair.

“Kid, I already bought my residency permit for Laughing Pines. Later tonight, I’ll pack my luggage. I’m leaving first thing in the morning.” He drank a big mouthful of the alcohol Xu Qing had purchased.

Xu Qing felt like didn’t know what to do. Finally, he quietly said, “I didn’t realize you’d be leaving so soon.”

Sergeant Thunder chuckled. “I actually made the purchase a while ago. I just didn’t tell you. Don’t be so sad, alright? In this world, there’s no banquet that lasts forever.” He took another drink. “Come on. Eat up.”

Sergeant Thunder looked older than ever. Almost ancient.

Xu Qing quietly picked up his chopsticks and started eating. Though the food was probably delicious, to Xu Qing, it lacked flavor.

Sergeant Thunder saw this and sighed. However, he still smiled and went into the latest camp gossip. After the time it takes an incense stick to burn, Xu Qing suddenly said, “Can’t you wait until Crucifix and Graceful Raptor get back? It shouldn’t be long now.”

“Nope. When they get back, they’ll act just like you. It’ll just make things worse. Besides, they can also come visit me whenever they want.”

Sergeant Thunder took out his pipe, loaded it up, then started smoking. The smoke spread, slowly making the room hazy. When Sergeant Thunder finished eating, he went to pack his luggage.

Xu Qing stayed behind, sitting at the table, looking at the food. He didn’t feel hungry. For the first time, he didn’t wash the dishes and clean the kitchen. Instead, he went to the sergeant’s room.

“Do you really have to go?” he asked.

“You don’t need to be so sad. I’m going to live in a city now! You should be happy for me.”

Sergeant Thunder laughed heartily, then asked Xu Qing to help him fold clothes. Xu Qing first washed his hands, then started helping. With his help, Sergeant Thunder finished packing even more quickly. He didn’t have much that he needed to take with him. Other than his clothing, he left everything to Xu Qing.

“The house is yours,” he said.

“I’ll pay rent,” Xu Qing said, sounding very serious.

Sergeant Thunder smiled and didn’t continue that topic. Instead, he pulled Xu Qing to a table off to the side, and they sat down. There, Sergeant Thunder told Xu Qing even more about the scavengers in the camp. And one key point he emphasized was the background of the camp owner.

“The camp owner isn’t some random person. He’s from the Golden Vajra Warrior Sect, the most powerful group in this region. They own dozens of cities and basecamps, and their patriarch is a Foundation Establishment expert. Going forward, be very careful around the camp owner.”

By the time they reached this point in their discussion, it was getting late. Xu Qing could see that  Sergeant Thunder was tired, so he got up and left. Sergeant Thunder watched him go and sighed.

That was the first night in a very long time that Xu Qing didn’t practice cultivation. He sat staring out of the window into the night, until the horizon grew bright and the sun rose.

That was fast.

Feeling full of melancholy, he chose not to go out into the courtyard like he usually did. Instead, he waited until he heard the sound of Sergeant Thunder opening the main gate. Only then did he leave his room.

As the morning sun sent dawn rays over the land, the two of them stood in the courtyard looking at each other.

Sergeant Thunder smiled. “I’m leaving, Kid.”

“I’ll see you off.”

“There’s no need. You should get to class.”

“I’ll see you off.”


“I’ll see you off.” [1]

Sergeant Thunder seemed to realize he wasn’t going to be able to dissuade Xu Qing, so he nodded.

And thus, the two of them walked through the basecamp while most of the other scavengers still slept. When they neared Grandmaster Bai’s tent, Xu Qing ran over to it. Grandmaster Bai wasn’t there, nor was Chen Feiyuan. Only Tingyu was present, studying a medicinal codex.

“Do you mind helping me ask for the day off?” he said. Clasping hands and bowing, he turned and hurried off.

Tingyu looked very surprised, and even walked out of the tent, which was when she saw Xu Qing and Sergeant Thunder walking off into the distance.

The morning light cast their shadows in front of them as they walked, further and further away.

Xu Qing carried Sergeant Thunder’s bag on his back. He didn’t say anything.

Sergeant Thunder had mixed emotions. Looking at the stubborn young man carrying his things, he tried to talk about some of the camp gossip. But after only a few sentences, he found he couldn’t continue talking.

The two of them climbed the mountain where once they’d rested and looked down at the basecamp. Back then, Sergeant Thunder had led the way, and Xu Qing followed.

The former had looked as profound as a sword, the latter had seemed like a lone wolf.

This time, Xu Qing led, and Sergeant Thunder followed.

This time, the former looked like a mountain peak, the latter lurched like the fall of dusk.

Xu Qing reached out to steady Sergeant Thunder. And then he hoisted him onto his back, just like back in the forbidden region.

Sergeant Thunder could see the side of Xu Qing’s face, and it made him sigh.

“You need to keep your eye on the other scavengers,” he said quietly. “I know you’ve become very strong lately, but that doesn’t mean you can underestimate them. Scavengers… well, they’re outlaws. They’ll try to get what they want by fair means or foul….

“Don’t forget to feed the dogs every night. You can trust them more than anyone else in the basecamp.

“Remember to eat well. And don’t eat cold food. Warm it up first! You’re still growing, so don’t get lazy about that kind of thing.

“If you do, you’ll regret it when you get older. Oh, right. Remember to sleep in bed. And use the bedding! Don’t be afraid of getting it dirty. Just wash it if you need to, and hang it in the sun to dry.

“Another thing….”

Everything Sergeant Thunder said was filled with deep concern.

Xu Qing nodded as he carried the old man along. And he committed everything to memory.

Sergeant Thunder kept talking and talking. But he was old and weak, and eventually fell asleep.

When Xu Qing heard the snoring, he made sure to keep his footsteps quiet. At the same time, he tried to pick the best course to follow, to make the journey smooth. And thus, Xu Qing carried Sergeant Thunder through the wilderness, avoiding rough terrain, until evening came. As the waning light stretched their shadows out, Xu Qing spotted a city in the distance.

Around then, Sergeant Thunder woke up and noticed the city. He sighed. “We’re here!”

“Yeah,” Xu Qing said, his heart heavy. At Sergeant Thunder’s request, he put the old man down carefully.

Sergeant Thunder took his bag out of Xu Qing’s hand. He looked at the city gate, then back at Xu Qing. A moment of silence passed. Sergeant Thunder smiled. Reaching out, he tousled Xu Qing’s hair.

“Time to head back, Kid. If you miss me, come visit. I’ll be at No. 3 Clearwater Road in the south of the city.” Hefting his luggage, he walked toward the city gate.

Xu Qing felt like he had a thousand things to say, but wasn’t sure how to say them. So he just stood there mutely.

Just before entering the city gate, Sergeant Thunder stopped and looked back. Giving Xu Qing a profound look, he waved. Then the guards hurried him inside, and he was gone from sight.

Xu Qing stood there looking lonely for a long time….

The city gate closed for the evening, and his heart felt completely empty.

“Take care of yourself,” he murmured. Then he turned back, feeling bitter and lonely.

Night fell, covering him with darkness. Alone, he walked through the fields, around the rough terrain, and up the mountain. Further… and further away.

1. As I’ve mentioned before (and will again), “seeing someone off” in Chinese culture is very important. When you part ways, you should escort the departing person a certain distance. The farther you escort them away, the more respect it shows. In some cases, such as with family or close friends that you see all the time, this formality might be ignored. But even then, it will usually involve an exchange of “I’ll see you off” followed by “there’s no need.” In any case, the reality remains that “seeing someone off” is important, and how far you see them off is relevant.

Deathblade's Thoughts

Thanks so much to jollysadness for the review! Much appreciated!


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