Chapter 23: Single Saber Strike

Xu Qing saw bright, golden light!

It came from the statues on the walls, as worn with time as they were. Every statue was a light source, filling the temple with incomparable radiance. However, the greatest source of light wasn’t those smaller statues.

Instead… it was the huge, primary statue of the temple, the divine likeness whose hands held a huge stone saber.

Shaken, Xu Qing looked into the light at the temple, and saw that, at the temple door was a figure surrounded by a dark fog. It wasn’t possible to make out any distinguishing features, but the figure seemed vaguely human. And as the golden light shone on it, it rippled and distorted.

Beyond it, outside the temple, was an even greater host of dark, shadowy forms. There had to be hundreds, and while some were vaguely human, others seemed bestial. They radiated an astonishing coldness that rushed like a wave to connect to the figure inside the temple.

As for the shadowy figure inside the temple, as the golden light shone on it, it threw its head back and released a howl that could shake one’s soul. However, it didn’t take a single step further into the temple.

It was as if it was now prohibited from doing so!

Xu Qing looked over at the saber-wielding statue, and suddenly noticed how life-like it looked. Then, to his astonishment, it stepped off of its pedestal and started walking. Overflowing with profound dignity and holiness, like a god from heaven descended into the mortal world, it strode toward the shadowy figure.

It lifted the saber, and swung it down.

That saber move was simple and unrefined, yet it contained a dao resonance that could shake heaven and earth.

Xu Qing didn’t hear any sound, but his soul trembled as if it sensed mournful screaming emanating from the shadowy figure.

The fog surrounding it evaporated, revealing a rotting body draped with tattered clothing. Visible now was an old man with eye sockets that were nothing but gaping holes. A moment later, his body collapsed, dissipating as surely as the fog that had surrounded him.

The shadowy figures outside were also affected. The fog surrounding them began to fade, and because of the golden light, Xu Qing was able to see some of them clearly. One was a recognizable face.

It was… Captain Bloodshadow!

He was in the crowd, his gaunt face expressionless. As the golden light shone on him, it was like he became purified, and then vanished.

A few moments later, there was nothing out in the darkness of night. All of the shadowy figures had disappeared.

The light in the temple faded, and the shocking statue turned around and walked back to its place. Eventually, it stopped glowing and once again turned into a statue, standing there, looking at the main door of the temple, waiting and guarding.

Soon, everything was back to normal. However, Xu Qing still huddled in the stone crevice, panting, his eyes shining with disbelief.

The obviously dead Captain Bloodshadow still existed.

The obviously ordinary temple shone with shocking golden light at night.

The obviously unmoving statue became a god-like figure whose single saber strike was boundlessly majestic.

Before long, the sun rose, and a new day began.

It took a while for Xu Qing to settle his thoughts, whereupon he crawled out from the stone crevice. He looked at the light outside, then the statues on the wall, and finally the large statue with the saber. He wasn’t sure what exactly the statue was, and whether it was alive or dead.

He had no idea how long ago it was when this temple had been in its heyday, or what it had been like back then.

But the events of the previous night had left him shaken.

That was especially true of the majestic energy that accompanied that saber strike. It had left a mark deep in his soul, ensuring that he would never forget it. What was more unimaginable was there was actually an area in this dangerous forbidden region that darkness could not encroach upon.

Sergeant Thunder hadn’t mentioned that to him, but then again… maybe the old sergeant didn’t even know. For one thing, events such as last night’s weren’t exactly common. Furthermore, there weren’t many people in the basecamp who stayed for prolonged periods in this forbidden region.

Therefore, even if such events did occur occasionally, few people would have been around to serve as witnesses. Any stories that people did tell would have eventually turned into nothing but legends.

Taking a long look at the statue, Xu Qing clasped his hands and bowed deeply.

Then, after some more thought, he took a candle out of his sack, put it in front of the statue, and lit it. Finally, he offered another respectful bow and then left the temple.

After emerging from the complex, he kept looking over his shoulder at it, hoping it would help him remember everything. And he couldn’t stop thinking about that single saber strike.

In fact, as he was traveling back through the jungle, he found himself lifting his hand overhead and imitating the movement. With every attempt to copy it, he felt like the move was more and more familiar.

The cultivation of the Sea and Mountain Incantation involved imitating the image of the goblin. But now, Xu Qing was replacing the image of that goblin with the image of that single saber strike.

As he did, his cultivation base shot past the breakthrough point, and he entered the fourth level of the Sea and Mountain Incantation, all without Xu Qing even noticing what was happening!

Perhaps because of how he was imitating that saber strike, this breakthrough didn’t just provide a boost to his power and speed. It also pushed him to a breakthrough in his psyche.

As a result, Xu Qing felt like he could think more clearly. And when he raised his hand overhead, it already seemed like it contained some of the fundamental nature of the saber strike.

It filled him with delight.

Two days passed. Perhaps it was because he was in the periphery of the forbidden region, or perhaps it was the shocking event that had played out in the temple, but either way, he didn’t run into any grue footsteps.

And the mutant beasts were few and far between.

His cultivation base had reached a higher level, making it easier to keep himself safe. But he still was very careful and cautious.

He hadn’t found the lifespan flower or the scar-removing crystal. But he’d harvested a good amount of seven-leaf clovers, so as soon as he returned, he would sell them for a hefty sum of spirit coins.

It was evening when he neared the edge of the jungle. And that was when he stopped walking and looked down at a plant near his feet. It looked similar to the lifespan flower, although based on what he remembered from the picture he’d seen, it was another kind of plant.

However, after some thought, he looked around guiltily as a plan formed in his mind, then reached down and harvested the thing. Finally, he ran out of the jungle and into the basecamp, shortly after sunset.

It wasn’t late at night, so the camp was bustling. That was especially true of the feather-covered tents, which seemed filled with the sound of playful banter and spirited panting. Xu Qing ignored the sounds as he returned to the residence. As soon as he opened the courtyard door, he saw Sergeant Thunder walking out.

The sergeant noticed how bedraggled Xu Qing looked, but didn’t say anything about it. Instead, he looked relieved.

“You were gone a long time.”

“I went to that temple complex.” Moonlight mixed with the lamplight in the courtyard, allowing Xu Qing to see Sergeant Thunder’s bloodshot eyes and exhausted expression. He clearly hadn’t been sleeping much. Was it because…? When Xu Qing put the pieces together, he felt warmth in his heart.

“Temple complex?” Sergeant Thunder said, sounding surprised. He really hadn’t envisioned Xu Qing going that far into the forbidden region. However, he didn’t ask questions. Instead, he led Xu Qing into the kitchen, rolled up his sleeves and put some food on the table.

The food was hot, and clearly hadn’t been touched. Xu Qing was taken aback. Obviously, Sergeant Thunder hadn’t been sure when Xu Qing would return, yet had hot food ready for him the moment he got back. It was very telling.

The sergeant… had been preparing food every night, and waiting for him.

Xu Qing went to get the bowls and chopsticks. As usual, he set the table for three, with two sets opposite of his own. Then he sat down to eat.

It was delicious in a way that the taste buds might not be able to detect, but the heart could.

Sergeant Thunder didn’t eat much. For the most part, he drank and watched Xu Qing, a smile on his face.

“Eat up,” he said at one point. “You’re still growing. If you don’t get enough food, you won’t grow tall.”

Xu Qing looked down for a moment, then cleared his throat and obediently started eating some more. Then he started telling Sergeant Thunder about everything that happened in the temple.

Before, Sergeant Thunder had simply been sipping his alcohol. But after hearing the story, he took a deep breath and said, “I heard someone mention something like that before. But it was a long time ago. There may have been others who saw what you did. But like the Singing, it eventually turns into a legend. Now that I think about it, the stories always talk about it happening after the Singing.”

Sergeant Thunder suddenly seemed wrapped up in his thoughts, as if he were recalling old sorrows.

Xu Qing could guess what he was thinking, and felt that he was to blame. He probably shouldn’t have told the story.

Shortly thereafter, Sergeant Thunder regained his composure. Seeing Xu Qing looking glum, he smiled.

“You’re too sensitive, Kid. I’m not as weak as you think I am.”

He took another sip of alcohol, then changed the subject, going on to tell Xu Qing some funny stories about things that happened in the camp while he was gone.

Sergeant Thunder drank and talked. Xu Qing ate and listened.

It really did seem like the two of them were… family.

Later that night, the sergeant was still drinking as Xu Qing cleaned up. Finally, the old man smiled, got up, and went into his room.

Xu Qing went to his own room, and saw that the bedding had been changed. And instead of being rolled up at the bottom like he usually kept it, it was spread out over the bed. It also smelled like it had been aired out in the sun recently. [1]

He was about to sit down when he looked down at his clothes and hands and saw how dirty they were. Rolling the bedding back up, he sat on the wooden slats to work on his cultivation.

At dawn, Xu Qing opened his eyes.

He was about to leave when a thought occurred to him. Going into the washroom, he washed his hands. Given how unused he was to such a thing, it took some effort.

After his hands were clean and sparkling, he left the courtyard and headed toward the caravan.

He wasn’t sure if he was going too early, but he really didn’t want to arrive too late. If he arrived early, Grandmaster Bai might not have begun the lecture. But if he arrived late… then he would miss out on the first part of the class. Calculating the time on his fingers, he arrived at Grandmaster Bai’s tent. As it turned out, he was just in time to hear the testing.

Feeling very excited, he stood outside the tent and listened carefully.

“Blue lotus flower syrup, also known as blue lotus syrup, is derived from the flowering buds of water lilies. It is an aromatic liquid created by a unique heating technique. It can stabilize the lungs, help control bloody coughing from fire-related techniques….”

It was the voice of the young woman. Xu Qing listened intently, hardly aware of the passage of time. Before he knew it, two hours had gone by. Suddenly, the tent opened, and Grandmaster Bai was standing there looking at him.

“Can I help you?”

Grandmaster Bai’s gaze wasn’t sharp, but it was imposing. Xu Qing instantly felt nervous. Quickly reaching into his sack, he pulled out the medicinal plant he’d harvested the day before. Keeping his head bowed, he said, “Grandmaster Bai, I… I wanted to ask whether or not this is a lifespan flower.”

In response to his words, Grandmaster Bai stared at him blankly for a moment. Then an unusual expression flitted over his face. He looked at Xu Qing’s hands, which seemed a lot cleaner than before, and then at Xu Qing’s face which was taut with anxiety.

“It’s not,” he said.

Xu Qing quickly clasped hands, then hurried away, breathing a sigh of relief as he left the caravan area. Then he looked back and realized Grandmaster Bai was still looking at him.

The old man nodded. Xu Qing stopped walking, then clasped hands and bowed deeply before continuing on his way.

After Xu Qing disappeared, Grandmaster Bai went back into the tent. Inside, the guards, as well as his two apprentices, remained in place, motionless, as if they were made in stone.

Right in front of his seat, there was now a table spread with a variety of fine food and drink. On the opposite side of the table from Grandmaster Bai’s seat was an old man in a violet robe, behind whom stood a servant in a gray garment.

Looking at Grandmaster Bai, the old man in violet laughed heartily. “Well, what do you think, Grandmaster Bai?”

Grandmaster Bai didn’t seem at all surprised at the sudden arrival of this old man in violet. Nor was he worried that his people in the tent were frozen in place. Sitting down in his chair, he lifted one of the flagons of alcohol and took a drink. “What do you mean, ‘what do I think?’”

The violet-robed old man smiled. “I’m talking about the Kid. Like I said last time, while I was waiting for you to show up earlier, I found a boy with lots of potential.”

Grandmaster Bai gave a cold harrumph and glared at the violet-robed man. “Potential? The first time the child eavesdropped, it wasn’t a big deal. But this time he pulled out some medicinal plant and asked me if it was a lifespan flower. Now I’m getting the feeling he’s going to start bringing all sorts of random plants here as an excuse to eavesdrop. If not for your recommendation, I would have driven him away immediately.”

The man in violet laughed again. “You have a mouth like a blade, but a heart like tofu. Given your foul temper, if you didn’t think he has some potential, it wouldn’t matter who introduced him to you, you wouldn’t give him the time of day.”

Grandmaster Bai gave another cold snort, and instead of offering a further explanation, asked, “You want to take him to Seven Blood Eyes, don’t you? Taking him to that pestilent place would be a waste of a potential academic!”

Eyebrows twitching, the man in violet said, “Waste? I think not. Besides, what good is it to be an academic? In this world, everything is about your cultivation base.”

“What good is it to be an academic??” Grandmaster Bai retorted heatedly. “Let me ask you: why did you come here and repeatedly beg me, an ordinary person, to go with you to Seven Blood Eyes?” 

With an embarrassed smile, the man in violet said, “Oh, well, you’re different, sir….”

“How am I different?” Grandmaster Bai snapped, glaring.

The man in violet suddenly smacked his own forehead. “Aiya. I completely forgot that I have something really important to do right now. I need to leave, Grandmaster Bai. I’ll come back tomorrow and we can drink some more together.”

He got up and prepared to leave, but at the last moment, looked back at Grandmaster Bai. When he spoke, his tone was very earnest. “Grandmaster Bai, if you really think the boy has potential, then teach him some more. Give him a chance. Maybe he can get to Seven Blood Eyes as an academic with a cultivation base.”

With that, he left with his servant. After he was gone, everything in the tent returned to normal, with no one having any idea something strange had just taken place. The guards stood there, the young man was muttering anxiously, and the young girl looked pleased with herself like usual.

As for Grandmaster Bai, he sat there looking thoughtfully at the spot where Xu Qing had disappeared.

1. In China, the common way to clean your bedding (more specifically your comforter, which is often made of silk, but not always) is to hang it outside in the sun. When it comes to silk comforters, my understanding is that you can't wash them with water, so I guess theres really no other way to do it. Maybe it’s also common to do that in other parts of the world, but not where I was raised. We would usually just wash it. In any case, the fact that he noticed his bedding had been hung in the sun comes across as very Chinese to me.

Deathblade's Thoughts

Hey all: after a successful livestream test earlier today, I'm officially announcing that I'm going to do a celebratory livestream on Thursday 6/15 to go along with the public launch of this novel and a big mass release of chapters. Among other things, I'm going to be sharing some of my favorite comments from when the novel was in sneak peek. That includes this chapter and everything up to the chapters on Wednesday. There is still a chance to get some good comments into the mix!


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