Chapter 1048: Gruish Immortal Skill (Teaser)

Atop the black lake were the white-robed immortal adepts, seated cross-legged as they pursued enlightenment. None moved, and none reacted at all to Xu Qing’s arrival. The white Immortal Skills Hall was just as still and silent.

Xu Qing hefted his Imperial Sovereign command medallion as he hovered in midair for about three breaths of time. Then, his face completely calm, he said, “Before being summoned to meet Grand Emperor Devilbird, my Imperial Sovereign emphasized to me that, since he sadly couldn’t come in person, I should represent him to visit the Immortal Skills Hall. My task is to commit to memory everything that I can study, so that I can explain the details to him later.

“If the Immortal Skills Hall doesn’t mind, then I, Sir Blood Dust, will seek enlightenment on my own. As for the Imperial Sovereign, he will come back at a later date.”

Having said that, Xu Qing kept his gaze fixed on the Immortal Skills Hall. He knew that he couldn’t just casually barge into a place like this. If calling on the name of Lu Lingzi didn’t get him inside, then he would have to think of some other strategy to gain entrance. After all, him coming here was a clear case of taking action when borrowing a tiger’s skin.

What was more, Lu Lingzi had made his reasons for coming very clear at the seventh Imperial Sovereign mountain. It was that event,...

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