Chapter 328: Awakening of Yao Lao? (Teaser)

Chapter 328: Awakening of Yao Lao?

Xiao Yan was in a rush as he left the Nalan clan. He wanted to quickly return to the inn where he stayed when he suddenly paused his footsteps. In order to refine the ‘Seven Magical Green Spirit Saliva’ into liquid, he would naturally need a medicinal cauldron. That cauldron of his, however, had already been destroyed during the Grand Meeting…

Xiao Yan shook his head. He hesitated for a moment before he hurriedly walked toward the Primer Auction House. As he was afraid that he would be delayed if he met Ya Fei, Xiao Yan simply bought a medicinal cauldron that was approximately the same tier as the one he previously had from the exterior of the auction house. He then hurried back to the inn he was staying at without stopping.

With complete focus, Xiao Yan rushed back to the inn, entered his room and turned his hand around to shut the door tightly. He strode into the interior of the room. Only after he exhaled a few coarse breaths did he finally take out the ‘Seven Magical Green Spirit Saliva’ and place it on the table.

Sitting by the side of the table, Xiao Yan’s gaze stared directly at this extremely beautiful plant for a long while before letting out a long sigh. After spending so much effort, he had finally got his hands on it. It was just that he did not know if it would be...

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