Chapter 135 (Teaser)

Vald, a warrior of the Stone Axe tribe, often had a recurring dream.

'I shouldn't have left him behind and ran for my own life.'

Vald was part of the warriors who climbed the Sky Mountains with Urich. He had left Urich behind, and Urich had disappeared after fighting the evil spirits of the mountains alone.


Vald woke up from his sleep, shouting and sitting up abruptly. His face was drenched with sweat. Despite sweat pouring down, his muscular body was cold.

Vald grabbed a leather water pouch hanging nearby. He drank the water in big gulps and wiped his mouth.

'I dreamt of that day again.'

Vald's jawline was sharp. Three years ago, when he climbed the mountain with Urich, he still had traces of boyishness, but now he was a fully grown adult warrior.

'It still feels like an illusion.'

That day's events were vivid yet unreal. As soon as they descended the mountain and arrived at the village, he told the shamans and the elders about what happened.

'You violated the taboo and were attacked by the spirits guarding the mountains!'

That's what the elders said. Vald shook his head.

"That wasn't an evil spirit or a ghost. It was a person...

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