Chapter 1187 – Pilgrimage Of Sword Cultivators! (Teaser)

Right after the black robed man vanished on the spot, Yang Ye appeared where he was standing a moment ago.

He had a solemn expression as he gazed at the spot the black robed man had been standing on just now. The black robed man’s ability to conceal himself was extremely formidable. It could be said to be the best he’d seen after Lady. As for the black robed man’s strength, he couldn’t see through it because the black robed man didn’t emanate even a trace of aura. If the tiny vortex hadn’t warned him, he wouldn’t have even been able to notice the black robed man’s presence!

Yang Ye hadn’t attacked because he hadn’t sensed any ill intent coming from the black robed man. Moreover, he couldn’t just make enemies rashly right now. Even though he couldn’t sense the black robed man’s aura, since the black robed man possessed such ability, it was obvious that it was impossible for the black robed man to be weak! He was an Emperor at the very least!

But Yang Ye couldn’t figure out why the black robed man was following him!

Could it be that...

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