Chapter 0296: Dark Red Bracelet (Teaser)

Approximately half a day later, the majority of the dispatched reinforcements steadily streamed in.

The arrival of these saviors greatly strengthened the morale in the stronghold, giving rise to endless cheers.

These reinforcements were led by Gong Shenjun, and they marched in valiantly. However, the first thing that caught their eye was the colossal three-tailed beast statue.

Everyone looked around in confusion.

"Wasn't the call for help due to a Heavenly Disaster Class Other's sneak attack? How did it transform into a spirit beast?" 

"This seal looks extremely complicated. Could this perhaps be Your Highness' doing?"


"It looks like our effort was for naught. Your Highness has already single handedly dispatched of the danger."

One Four Star Hall student after another began to chime out in praise. Although they could not understand even an iota of the intricacies of the seal, this did not prevent them from intinstictively comprehending...

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